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You will be graded on a posterboard that your group will create which should contain a picture collage portraying the lifestyles and clothing fashions of the American colonists (1700's - 1800's) compared to the lifestyles and dress of American citizens today (2010). Within these pictures you can have things such as clothing styles, occupations, foods, and any other important information you found during your research. You can also expand and use other sources other than the internet, such as magazines and books.

Creativity will be rewarded. Posterboards will be displayed in the main hallway.

Click here to see the rubric for this project. You will be graded as a whole group. All of the requirements and the grading scale are listed on the rubric to make sure you are aware of what you are required to do to complete this project and get an A! Continue exploring to make your project complete.

Jump into the time machine and enjoy your journey!

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